Naional Benchmark Test

Road Signs Test

Question 1

What does warning sign L10 shows you?

Roads cross ahead and other vehicle from the side must stop or yield at the intersection.
A 4-way stop will be found ahead where the roads cross
A railway line intersection with the road that you are travelling on

Question 2

What does sign B1 show you?

That sign is applicable for 50 m
You may not drive slower than 50km/h
You may not drive faster than 50 km/h

Question 3


What does sign E4 show you?

  1. You may not turn left ahead
  2. You may not turn left there
  3. There is one-way to the right ahead


2 and 3 only are correct
1 and 3 only are correct
1 only is correct

Question 4

Sign B6 show you that;

Will get a one-way road ahead
Must only drive straight on
Will get a free-way ahead

Question 5

Sign E1

Prohibits you from using you hooter
Shows you that you may not pick up people
Shows you that you may not pick up people

Question 6

Unless otherwise shown by a sign, the general speed limit in a town or city is;?


Question 7

Sign P2 shows you that;

no cyclist are allowed there
you must be on the lookout for cyclist
it is a special lane for cyclists

Question 8

Road marking Z5 warns you that;

there is a level crossing with one line ahead
roads cross ahead
the freeway ends ahead

Question 9

Sign R1 shows you that the road;

is slippery
is untarred

Question 10

What does sign A3 show you?

stop and drive on when it is safe to do so in the sequence that the vehicles stopped at the stop line
it is the same as a yield sign and you can proceed without stopping
makes sure that it is safe, wait until all traffic has departed and then drive on

Question 11

Sign U4 shows you that the road;

is slippery for 12 km
winds 12 km from there
winds for 12 km

Question 12

All roads sign with a yellow background e.g. R10 area; signs


Question 13

What does sign S1 when it flashes show you?

the police have blockade ahead
there is a robot ahead
there is danger in the road ahead

Question 14

Sign J8 shows you the;

Recommended speed when your lights are on
Distance to the next town
Maximum speed allowed at night

Question 15

Sign E9 shows you that ;

there is a bridge ahead where only one vehicle at a time can cross
only motor cars may not pass each other
no motor vehicle may pass each other

Question 16

What is the difference between road marking AA6 and road marking Y3?

Both show you that you may not pass other vehicle but you will find AA6 on all roads and Y3 on freeways only
There is no difference between the two and both show you that you may not pass other vehicles
AA6 shows you that you may not pass other vehicles while Y3 as well shows you that you may not drive over it to turn into a yard or anything else

Question 17

Sign E3 shows you that;

there is a road with two lanes ahead
you are not allowed to drive there without permission
a freeway starts

Question 18

Marking BB3 shows you that only;may park there

business vehicle

Question 19

Sign A8 shows you that;

the roads ends
the entry is for ambulances only
you are not allowed to enter there

Question 20

When sign X8 illuminated, it shows you that

there is no throughway there
it is a lane only for traffic coming from the front
there is an unguarded railway crossing ahead

Question 21

Road marking AA4 show you that;

you are not allowed to pass another vehicle there
the lane splits into more lanes in the direction of the arrow
a line is going to begin which prohibits you from passing

Question 22

Sign L4 prohibits you from;.

using that section of the road during certain hours
parking there between 09:00 and 16:00
stopping there at certain hours

Question 23

Sign L9 warns you about;ahead

a railway crossing
a first-aid post
roads which cross

Question 24

Sign O9 shows you that;

there might be school children on or near the road
there might be pedestrians ahead
there is a pedestrian crossing ahead

Question 25

What does warning sign M1 shows you?

A railway line intersects with the road that you are travelling on.
A 4-way stop will be found ahead where the roads cross
Roads cross ahead and you may have to stop or yield at the intersection.

Question 26

Sigh N8 shows you that there;

are two lanes ahead in different directions.
is two-way traffic ahead on the one-way road you are on
is two-way traffic at the following road that crosses the road you are on

Question 27

Sign B8 shows you that you;

can expect a sharp turn to the right
must turn right at the next road
will get a one-way road to the right

Question 28

Sign Q7 shows you that;

there is a narrow bridge ahead
the freeway ends
the roads narrow from both sides

Question 29

Sign B7 shows you that you;

will get a one-way road to the left.
must turn left at the next road
can expect a sharp bent to the left.

Question 30

Sign Q10 warns you about;

the road is uneven
there are potholes in the road
there are speed humps on the road.

Question 31

Warning sign S3 shows you that;

the road ahead ends due to water
there is a possibility of a flood ahead
there is a low level bridge ahead

Question 32

When you see a sign P6, you must slow down because;

there is a dual track railway line in font.
the surface of the road is uneven on the left-hand side.
there is a motor gate on the left-hand side of the road.

Question 33

Road marking Y3 shows you that;

traffic may not pass or cross it on either side
it is a lane reserved for buses only
the road surface is uneven

Question 34

Road marking Z5 warns you of;

there is a level crossing with one line ahead
roads crossing ahead
the freeway ends ahead

Question 35

What does sign Q6 show you?

Only one vehicle can pass through the obstacles ahead.
The freeway temporarily ends ahead
The road temporarily narrows from both sides

Question 36

When you see sign A6, you must;

know that part of the road is only for pedestrians
stop, because school children might walk across the road
give right of way to pedestrians crossing the road

Question 37

you must keep both hands on the steering

is slippery when wet
has a lot of curves
surface is damaged

Question 38

Marking BB8 shows you that only;may park there.

municipal buses
motor cycle

Question 39

Sign O4 warns you that;

there is a traffic light ahead
there is a compulsory police stop ahead
you are in an urban area

Question 40

What does warning sign U3 show you?

the road on which you are driving is going to change to a gravel road.
Potholes are found on the road ahead.
the road is ending a heading

Question 41

What does warning sign O3 show you?

sharp curves ahead.
a winding road ahead
a concealed entrance from the left, followed by one form the right

Question 42

If you see sign E3;

you may only drive there if you have special permission.
it shows two-way traffic ahead.
no vehicles may drive there because only pedestrians may walk there.

Question 43

Sign BB4 shows you that the only; may park there

construction vehicles
good vehicles that load or off-load
motor cars that load or off-load

Question 44

When you see sign S7, you must;

Be on the lookout for agricultural vehicles which might be on the road
be on the lookout for road-works where tractors work
know that only agricultural vehicles may drive there

Question 45

Warning sign S5 shows you that;

there is a low water bridge ahead.
there is a possible of a flood ahead.
the road end because of water ahead.

Question 46

Warning sign Q4 shows you that..

you will get potholes on the road ahead
the road ahead ends
the road in which you travelling is to become a gravel road

Question 47

When you get sign T8, you must

when you want to drive on straight ignore it because traffic from the sides must stop
be ready to stop and turn left or right
choose to turn left or right or drive on straight after you have stopped.

Question 48

What does sing J8 show you?

dangerous conditions for the next 100 km
you may not drive faster than 100 km/h at night
if you cannot see further then 100 km ahead, you must switch on your headlights

Question 49

When you see sign B2 you know that;

vehicle with a mass of 10 ton and less may not drive there
vehicle with a mass of 10 ton and more may not drive there
that part of the road can only carry vehicle that weigh 10 ton

Question 50

Sign T1 shows you that there is a/an;

curve to the right ahead
detour to the right
obstruction to the right of the road

Question 51

Arrow E in the sketch booklet, sketch 5, shows you that you;

can change lanes if you want to proceed straight
you can turn right to proceed straight if it is safe
must turn right from the lane

Question 52

Sign B1 shows you the;

slowest speed that you may drive
distance to the next off- ramp
fastest speed that you may drive

Question 53

Sign N3 show you;

obstruction left of the road
sharp curve to the left ahead
de-tour to the left

Question 54

Sign DD7 shows you that;

there is a T-junction to the right
you may not turn right there
the road that turns off to the right, is a cul-de-sac

Question 55

Sign DD5 shows you that

there is a T-junction on the left
you are not allowed to turn left there
the road turning to the left ends ahead

Question 56

Sign T2 shows you there;

temporary de-tour to the left
sharp curve to the left ahead
is a temporary obstruction left of the road

Question 57

Sign A2 shows you that you must;

stop, but if you want to turn left, you can use it as a yield sign
turn left at the stop sign
stop and then turn left or drive straight on

Question 58

Sign CC9 is found at a;

dangerous place where roadwork is being done
sharp curve to the right
traffic circle where right of way is applicable

Question 59

Sign P9 warns you that you may not drive there if your vehicle is

longer than 4.42m
higher than 4.42m
wider than 4.42m

Question 60

Sign B2 shows that;

you must drive there at all times if your vehicle has a GVM of 12 t.
you must drive there at all times if your vehicle has a GVM of 8 t.
if you want to you can drive there if your vehicle has a GVM of 10 t.

Question 61

Sign K2 shows that;

all heavy vehicles may drive here during the times showed on the sign
tankers must use this road during the times showed on the sign
vehicle carrying hazardous products can only use the road during the times showed on the sign

Question 62

Sign D10 show you that;

vehicle longer than 15 m may not drive past this sign
no vehicle with trailers may drive past this sign
the road is only 15 m wide past this sign

Question 63

Sign W6 shows you that;

Your brakes will be checked at a stop ahead where you must stop
there is an arrestor bed ahead to be used when your brakes fail
the road forks ahead on a steep decline and you should slow down